Section outline

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      Basic surfaces for engineering


      • Herrero Bengoechea, María Isabel
      • Iturrondobeitia Ellacuria, Maider
      • Jimbert Lacha, Pedro José
      • López Soto, Jaime
      • Llano Castresana, Urtzi






    • In this course the basic surfaces such as the prismatic, cylindrical, pyramidal, conical and spherical surfaces are covered. Through this resource, we will be able to define and identify the basic surfaces and know the basic nomenclature.

    • Through this topic, we will be able to represent basic surfaces, both in favourable and non-favorable positions and to locate one point on the surface.

    • Through this topic, we will be able to foresee the geometrical shape that will result from sectioning a surface by a plane; determine the view that allows the simplest or most immediate geometric solution to be obtained; identify the highlights of the section; select the most appropriate plane to perform a section and usually, to develop skills to carry out graphic operations to resolve geometric problems where surfaces are involved.

    • Through this topic, we will be able to calculate the development of the developable surfaces studied in class and the transformation of those same surfaces; select the most appropriate graphic method for each case and in general, to develop skills to carry out graphic operations to resolve geometric problems where surfaces are involved.

    • Through this topic, we will be able to anticipate the geometric shape of the line that will result from the intersection of two surfaces; determinate the view that allows obtaining the simplest or most immediate geometric solution; identify the remarkable points of the intersection; select the most suitable planes to find an intersection and in general, to develop graphic operability in geometric problems where surfaces intervene.


    • Brief summary of references and bibliography:

      BASANT AGRAWAL; C.M. AGRAWAL; Engineering Drawing. Ed. Mc Graw Hill Education, 2013.

      E. R. LATIFEE; Beginner’s Guide to Engineering Drawing. 2005. ISBN/ASIN: 9843227115

      GONZALEZ, V.; LOPEZ, R. y NIETO, M. Sistemas de representación. Sistema diédrico. Ed. Texgraf, 1982.

      IZQUIERDO ASENSI, F. Geometría Descriptiva. Sistema Diédrico. Ed. El autor 1995.

      JENSEN. C.; HELSEL. J. y DENNIS R. SHORT. Dibujo y diseño en Ingeniería. Ed. Mc Graw Hill 2002.

      P. S. GILL; Engineering Drawing (Geometrical Drawing). Ed. S.K. Kataria & Sons, 1st Ed. 1944.

      RODRÍGUEZ DE ABAJO, F. J. y ALVAREZ BENGOA, V. Dibujo Técnico. Ed. Donostiarra 1994.

      SIMMONS, C.; MAGUIRE, D.; PHELPS, N. Manual of Engineering Drawing. Ed. BH Butterworth-Heinemann, 2020.

      URRAZA, G.; ORTEGA, J. M.; FUENTE, J.; LÓPEZ, J.; SANTOS, J.; SERNA, A. y PUEYO, J. Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería. DIBUJO TÉCNICIO. Ed. Autores 2005.

      ZORRILLA, E. y BERMEJO, M. Dibujo de Ingeniería. Public. E.T.S.I. Ind. y Ing. Telecomunicaciones de Bilbao 1986.


      • Developable Surfaces: Their History and Application (Snezana Lawrence):

      • Descriptive Geometri 2 (Pál Ledneczki):

      • Design Handbook: Engineering Drawing and Sketching

      Short initial videos:

      Third Angle Projection Vs First Angle Projection 3D animation Part 1


      Third & First Angle Symbols What are they?


       Third Angle Projection Vs First Angle Projection 3D animation Part 2



    • In the following section, exercises related to topics 1 and 2 corresponding to the previous lecture materials are developed.

    • In the following section, exercises related to the topic 3, corresponding to the previous lecture materials are developed.

    • In the following section, exercises related to the topic 4, corresponding to the previous lecture materials are developed.

    • In the following section, exercises related to the topic 5, corresponding to the previous lecture materials are developed.


    • In the following section, exercises and self-assessment questions to be solved are proposed, corresponding to the initial lecture materials (topic 1) in which we will test the level of assimilation of concepts that we have developed.

    • In the following section, exercises and self-assessment questions to be solved are proposed, corresponding to the initial lecture materials (topic 2) in which we will test the level of assimilation of concepts that we have developed.

    • In the following section, exercises and self-assessment questions to be solved are proposed, corresponding to the initial lecture materials (topic 3) in which we will test the level of assimilation of concepts that we have developed.

    • In the following section, exercises and self-assessment questions to be solved are proposed, corresponding to the initial lecture materials (topic 4) in which we will test the level of assimilation of concepts that we have developed.

    • In the following section, exercises and self-assessment questions to be solved are proposed, corresponding to the initial lecture materials (topic 5) in which we will test the level of assimilation of concepts that we have developed.

    • In the following section, exercises and self-assessment questions to be solved are proposed, corresponding to a global evaluation of lecture materials (topics 1-5) in which we will test the general level of assimilation of concepts that we have developed.


    • Department of Graphic Design and Engineering Projects

      Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao (UPV/EHU)

      • Jaime Lopez Soto                              
      • Pello Jimbert Lacha                           
      • Maider Iturrondobeitia Ellacuria        
      • Isabel Herrero Bengoechea               
      • Urtzi Llano Castresana                      

