Atalaren laburpena


    • In the following section, exercises and self-assessment questions to be solved are proposed, corresponding to the initial lecture materials (topic 1) in which we will test the level of assimilation of concepts that we have developed.

    • In the following section, exercises and self-assessment questions to be solved are proposed, corresponding to the initial lecture materials (topic 2) in which we will test the level of assimilation of concepts that we have developed.

    • In the following section, exercises and self-assessment questions to be solved are proposed, corresponding to the initial lecture materials (topic 3) in which we will test the level of assimilation of concepts that we have developed.

    • In the following section, exercises and self-assessment questions to be solved are proposed, corresponding to the initial lecture materials (topic 4) in which we will test the level of assimilation of concepts that we have developed.

    • In the following section, exercises and self-assessment questions to be solved are proposed, corresponding to the initial lecture materials (topic 5) in which we will test the level of assimilation of concepts that we have developed.

    • In the following section, exercises and self-assessment questions to be solved are proposed, corresponding to a global evaluation of lecture materials (topics 1-5) in which we will test the general level of assimilation of concepts that we have developed.