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  • Baase, S.: ``Computer algorithms: Introduction to design and analysis" (second edition).
    Addison Wesley (1988).
  • Brassard, G. y Bratley; P.: ``Fundamentals of algorithmics".
    Prentice Hall (1997).
  • Cormen T.H., Leiserson C.E., Rivest R.L. y Stein C.: ``Introduction to Algorithms" (second edition). The MIT Press (2001).
  • Horowitz E., Sahni S. y Rajasekaran S.: ``Computer Algorithms". Computer Science Press (1998).
  • Levitin A.: ``Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms" (second edition).
    Addison Wesley (2007).
  • Manber U.: ``Introduction to Algorithms. A creative approach". Addison Wesley (1989).
  • Martí Oliet N., Ortega Mallén Y. y Verdejo López J.: ``Estructuras de datos y métodos algorítmicos. Ejercicios resueltos". Prentice Hall (2004).
  • Neopolitan R. y Naimpour K.: ``Foundations of Algorithms using C++ pseudocode"
    (second edition). Jones and Barlett Pub. (1998).
  • Parberry I.: ``Problems on Algorithms". Prentice Hall (1995).
  • Rawlins G.J.E.: ``Compared to what? An introduction to the analysis of algorithms".
    Computer Science Press (1992).