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Language Planning: Social and Educational Perspectives

Introduction to the course

Timetable and contact:
Classes: Tuesdays 8.30-10.30 (2.7.), Thursdays 12.30-13.30 (room 1.7.)

Tutorials: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 10.30-12.30

Phone: 943-015576


Aims of the course:

-To discuss some theories and methodological issues in language planning

-To analyse the situation of European minority languages

-To analyse the situation of language planning in the Basque Country

-To develop competencias in the following areas: 1) finding information on the web; 2) developing critical skills; 3) reflecting about your learning process

Theoretical and practical content:

1.Linguistic diversity and multilingualism

2. Language planning: theoretical approaches and research methods

3. Minority languages and languages of wider communication in Europe

4. English and Multilingualism in the world

5. The sociolinguistic situation in the Basque Country.

6. Language planning in the Basque Country.


Attendance and participation 20%

Written or oral summary 40%

Completion of all tasks in the six units or exam 40%