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Themes and Calendar


Block Theme Title Description
1 1 Web 2.0 In this theme we will try to answer the question: What is Web 2.0? Reading and team reflection on the principal issues of the Web 2.0 The New Internet will be done
1 2 Web 2.0 basic tools In this chapter the basic Web 2.0 tools will be review. Student's conscious and systematic learning will be fostered. The basic tools that will be review are: syndication concepts, blog and wiki
2 3 Copy Rights Copy Rights in Internet are of growing importance. Some alternatives to defend Copy Rights on behalf of some entities are subjects of discussion. In this theme information will be given so that the student may acquire its own criteria in this matter that affects us all
2 4 Digital sound Digital Sound would require a deeper study, but the course goal is not to enter in depth in every theme. With the two activities schedule the student will have basic knowledge on Digital Audio and Podcasting
2 5 Image and video

The last activities will be devoted to this theme. The student will start by learning the elementary use of some Image Edition Applications to then create Multimedia Resources involving Image and Audio


Block Theme Title Beginning End
1 1 Web 2.0 16/02/2009 08/03/2009
1 2 Basic tools for Web 2.0 16/02/2009 05/04/2009
2 3 Copy Rights 20/04/2009 03/05/2009
2 4 Digital sound 20/04/2009 10/05/2009
2 5 Image and video 04/05/2009 31/05/2009

Activities Planning

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