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How is it going to be evaluated

Evaluation Elements

The general elements taken into consideration to evaluate the papers and student work related with the activities are:

  • Correct contents of the activities
  • Adequate documentation for the activities
  • Collaboration and help among colleagues in the activity group
  • Capacity to explore and experiment
  • Innovation in the use and application of resources
  • Originality in the theme (subject) chosen for the activity development

Themes and Activities Issues

The final grade will be achieved by partial evaluations of the activities according to the following table:

Theme 1: What is Web 2.0? 15 points
Theme 2: Basic Tools 35 points
Theme 3: Copy Rights 10 points
Theme 4: Digital audio 15 points
Theme 5: Image and video 25 points

points for activities

All program activities have a set date to be handled in. This date must be comply with. This means that the time table is set beforehand and that the student may choose the parts of the Themes he is most interested in, but it will not be his election when to answer to the activities of those themes.

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[ How is it going to be evaluated ]
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