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Recommended Reading and Study Material

Subject 1: What is web 2.0?

Web 2.0: the basics

Web 2.0 map

Web 2.0

Internet addresses related with web 2.0

An introductory article on web 2.0

What is web 2.0?

A general view of web 2.0 and some of its main tools

The main services of web 2.0

A host of free applications in web 2.0

A presentation of web 2.0 and learning

Web 2.0 glossary

Subject 2: Basic tools in web 2.0

Web 2.0 applications /resources 

GMail Help

GMail: a curious tutorial

Google Calendar Help

RSS in Plain English

Reader Help

iGoogle Help

Social software 

Wikis in Plain English

Blogs in Plain English

Label clouds in Blogger

Subject 3: What is a social network?

Social Networks: the basics

An introductory video on what a social network is

A simple, ingenuous... but real view of a social network

An introduction to the social networks

See how social networking and chat evolves I

See how social networking and chat evolves II

Web 2.0 and Social Networks

The power of the networks

Social Networks: expansion

Networks or groups: a distinction must be made

Web effect on web 2.0

Social networks and privacy

A review of the history of social networks

P2P networks like social networks?

Subject 4: Examples of social networks

Examples of social networks

List of Social Networks in Wikipedia

Subject 5: To find out a bit more about Social Networks 

Network Science

The nature of social groups and their evolution II

The nature of social groups and their evolution II

One of the researcher, Barabasi's pages where different fields of research are shown and to which the researcher has applied his knowledge of social networks

A social network... about social networks

A brief history of the analysis of social networks

Pajek: software for the analysis of social networks

A presentation explaining how to work with Pajek