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Web 2.0: Social Networks, [2008/12][Eng]

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Web 2.0: Social Networks



Manuel Benito, Ph.D.

Jesús Romo, Ph.D.

Javier Portillo, Ph.D.

Oskar Casquero, BS.


Institution:    UPV/EHU


Course Description

This course which is called Web 2.0: Social Networks (and the oher one called Web2.0: Tools and Resources) forms part of the offer of  free-choice subjects offered by G9 (Group 9 of Universities) and it was conceived as an introductory course to the current phenomenon which has come to be known as web 2.0 (Dale Dougherty, Craig Cline and Tim O´Reilly, 2004) and, within this, to the social networks as one of the events that best reflects the characteristics of web 2.0, according to some (T O´Reilly, Dion Hinchcliffe), or the resurrection of the genuine web according to others (Sir Tim Berners-Lee). In its content, the course deals with the two previously mentioned realities, "web 2.0" and "social networks" and is structured in three different parts:
1.    the first is concerned with clearly establishing what web 2.0 is,
2.    the second with revising the main tools of web 2.0, and
3.    the third with the study and analysis of social networks 
As one of the topics is the social network as an object of study, the methodology proposed for the course is clearly of an interactive nature and based on the functioning of work groups or teams, regarded as being the source of the social networks; to this end, it is proposed that a set of activities should be designed for students to become acquainted with the various topics that are revised during the course and to delve more deeply into them by means of individual and group work carried out in a parallel fashion. In this way, what is learnt is more long-lasting and of greater significance as the activities allow for the students to build up their own knowledge and adapt in accordance with their own peculiarities.   
No previous specific knowledge is required, only the skill needed to use the Internet, the desire to learn and the commitment to do so with a certain order and discipline; the combination of these requirements has shown us, in practice, their power and suitability in the learning we foresee. In this respect, it must be noted that the course intends to: 
?    Offer an insight into what web 2.0 is and what the social networks are 
?    Stimulate learning on the web, shared and constructed in an individual and group fashion
?    Develop a critical view of web 2.0 and the social networks 
With respect to these objectives, the course will facilitate the development of the following competences and knowledge:
?    Group work to be made compatible with individual work, being responsible for the work and assignments in both cases 
?    The handling of different web 2.0 tools: blogs, wikis, calendar, igoogle, etc.
?    Knowledge of the main components of a social network and complementary construction of a social network 
?    Being autonomous in decision-making and in the organisation of work. 
?    Assessment of information from a wide viewpoint, building up a critical knowledge with respect to the subjects dealt with 
See the menu on the left for more detailed information concerning the organisation of the course, course activities, etc.

Cite/attribute Resource. Larrea, D. R., Angulo, M. M. (2009, January 12). Bioética. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from eduCommons Web site: Esta obra se publica bajo una licencia Creative Commons License. Creative Commons License