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Personal tools

Activity 9: Social Networks II

Activity 9: social networks II

What for?
On this subject, we will be working in the field of the 3Cs as the computer tools used in social networks (?social software?), operate in three fields (known as 3C):

  • Communication (they help us to share our knowledge with others), like the communities that are built from blogs
  • Community (they help us to find and integrate communities), such as Friendster, Orkut, etc.
  • Cooperation (they help us to do things together), such as the wikis; wikipedia, wikibooks or wikiversity are examples of the application of the wikis as collaboration tools. 

What needs to be done?
Activity divided into sub-tasks:

Sub-task 1
Each group (i.e., each one of its members) will register on a social network which will be duly indicated; he/she will become acquainted with the aforementioned network and the resources it offers. As far as the type of social network is concerned, we will be focusing on the last two categories: communities and cooperation because the first, based on blog-type tools, has already been practised and, besides, they work in a vehicular fashion in activity 15.

Sub-task 2
Each member of each group must increase his/her list of contacts by 5 persons; together, all the members must make up a list of all the contacts established; the email address and the profile of each contact must figure next to each contact. 

Sub-task 3
Bearing in mind the experience, the group will debate (by means of a blog ? we recommend Blogger) the following aspects:   

Possibilities offered by the network studied

Characteristics of the network

Advantages and disadvantages

Precautions/recommendations regarding participation in the network 

Possible conflicts that may arise in its use and how to tackle them 

Sub-task 4
And it will make a presentation of 6 slides, one for each subject on the previous list and one for the first page on which the title, the group and the name of the participants will appear; this presentation will be uploaded to the blog being used and the teacher,xxxxxxxxx@xxxxx will be informed of the work carried out

Nature of the tasks proposed
Group. Compulsory (sub-tasks 1, 2 and 3) and Optional (sub-task 4)
Estimated maximum time for their completion (including reading, group coordination, drawing up documents, etc.): 35 hours

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