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Personal tools

Activity 8: Social Networks I

Activity 8: social networks I

What for?
The concept of Social Network involves the idea that a group of people together (group) can do more when they act within a network or coordinated group than if they work separately; this can be seen in their potential advantages such as greater productivity (the result is better than the sum of personal contributions made separately), improvement in relationships (social affiliation), etc.

Therefore, it is important, to understand clearly WHAT a Social Network is, its characteristics, the forms it can adopt, etc. The activities that are proposed in this subject endeavour to facilitate the building of knowledge about what a Social Network is and its implication. We would point out how important it is that these ideas are built within a group and that the group serves as a channel for the necessary critical reflection on the proposed subject. 

What needs to be done?
Activity divided into sub-tasks:

Sub-task 1
Each group must read the readings included in this subject and make a presentation in PPT format (Power Point or similar (*)) with no more than 6 slides, explaining what a social network is, its characteristics, the implications of its use and possible advantages and disadvantages. The names of the group members responsible for the presentation must appear on the first page of the presentation. The task must be carried out in the following way: 

  • Reflective and personalised reading of the documentation included 
  • Contact with the rest of the members of the group in order to decide what will be included in the presentation, how it will be carried out, etc
  • The task requires a high degree of agreement amongst the members of the group 

The presentation can be carried out with Power Point or with some of the web 2.0 tools; for example, zoho; on this page there is a host of applications of this type 

Sub-task 2
This presentation will be uploaded to Slideshare ( giving it the title, Social Networks-RSXX (XX represents the nº of the group). These presentations will be labelled when they are uploaded to the aforementioned site. Once the process is completed, a message shall be sent to the teacher, xxxx@ccccc as follows: Slideshare RSXX Completed (XX nº of the group)

Sub-task 3
Each group will have 4 days as of the delivery date to visit the site, see the presentations of the other groups and make a comment about each of them in the same site, giving the group?s name (RSXX); to this end, at least one of the members of the group will register on the site mentioned with the name of the group so that there is a record of the origin of the comment. The comment to be included in each presentation will contain: 

  • Positive or negative assessment of the presentation
  • Two reasons for the assessment
  • Recommendation of websites other than where good presentations (the format is not important) on social networks can be found

Nature of the tasks proposed
Group and individual. Compulsory (sub-tasks 1 and 2) and Optional (sub-task 3)
Estimated maximum time for their completion (including reading, group coordination, drawing up documents, etc.): 25 hours

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