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Personal tools

Activity 3: Webmail

Activity 3: webmail

What for?
Given that GMail account ( carries out the function of a door which gives access to all Google services and, as some of these services will be used during the course, it is essential to have a Google account, which can be obtained by opening an email account in GMail.

What must be done?
The email account in GMail will have the following characteristics (these instructions are important as this activity is to be carried out within the everyday teaching of a university):

  1. The student?s surname (or surnames) and his/her name (or names) must figure in the email account, separated by dots. 
  2. Whenever possible, the GMail account will be set up in the following way: all in small letters (for example, for the student Jon Urizar, his email account would be:
  3. When the email account is not available in the way mentioned in point 2, the student must opt for either of these two alternatives: 
  • all in small letters (based on the previous example, this would be:
  • all in small letters (based on the previous example, this would be:

It will probably not be necessary but in extreme cases one may resort to the following option:

What needs to be handed in and how?
Once the GMail account has been obtained, the second part of the activity is to send a message from it to the institutional account, xxx.yyy@zzzz.zz of teacher, xxx.yyy, without forgetting to include the url in the message subject [web 2.0 HR] Activity 3, webmail

Key elements of the email account in GMail that the student must know and use:

  • Message search engine
  • The ?Archive? button
  • Message labelling
  • Filter creation

Nature of the tasks proposed
Individual. Compulsory
Estimated maximum time for their completion (including reading, drawing up documents, etc.): 15 hours

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