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Activity 4: Wiki

Activity 4: wiki

What for?
Together with blogs, wikis are the most important Web 2.0 tools and they serve to carry out group tasks. This activity is individual but it affects the group that the student forms part of. In order to carry out this task, the group must organise itself internally. 

What needs to be done?
After completing activity 4, the group of students will have a wiki which will facilitate the management of tasks to be carried out in collaboration (see Wikis in Plain English). Wikispaces ( is a service which, in its free format, offers an agile, efficient wiki system. 

Sub-tasks of Activity 4:

  1. Taking as an example the first group from the virtual classroom, one member of the group, let?s call him/her Student0, will create the wiki under the name: web20-rd -grupo01 (the same name but ending in 02 would correspond to the second group and so on). Once the wiki is created, the system will ask for an email account; the GMail account obtained in Activity 3 will be used. Consequently, the wiki created will be kept in Wikispaces and, for the first group, its address will be (take care with the name so as not to interfere in any way with students of practical Web 2.0: Tools and Resources as they have to carry out a similar task)
  2. The remaining members of the group will join the wiki created by their companion
  3. The student who created the wiki, Student0, will give his companions the role of organizers (Organizers)
  4. Four of the group members who are already members of the wiki will invite each of the teachers of the subject in the following way: 
  • Student2 invites Teacher1 (email: xxxxxxxxxxx1@xxxxx)
  • Student3 invites Teacher2 (email: xxxxxxxxxxx2@xxxxx)
  • Student4 invites Teacher3 (email: xxxxxxxxxxx3@xxxxx)
  • Student5 invites Teacher4 (email: xxxxxxxxxxx4@xxxxx)

To finish with, a student, not one of the previously mentioned students, Student6, will give the four teachers the role of organizers (Organizers)

Once the wikispace has been obtained and structured and before declaring the activity as completed, the students must know how to: 

  • Create a wiki page
  • Link wiki pages
  • Organize the information of a page by means of tables
  • How to include pictures on a page and other multimedia resources

What needs to be handed in and how?
The group members will write a report together on the activity and they will publish it on a Wiki page.

When proposing this activity within the framework of everyday university teaching with a virtual classroom: each student will write an individual report and will hand in the file personally. When mention is made of handing in the file, the teaching staff is referring to the fact that the student will respond to this task from within the Moodle platform (or similar) attaching the aforementioned file, which means that emails sent to the teaching staff will not be accepted.

Nature of the tasks proposed
Group and individual. Compulsory
Estimated maximum time for their completion (including reading, group coordination, drawing up documents, etc.): 15 hours

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