Osaketaren baldintzak
Transition to GLI-2012 and clinical decision making A detailed account of the - derivation of the GLI-2012 reference values - bias arising from the use of percent of predicted or the GOLD guidelines for diagnosing airway obstruction - the great advantages of using z-scores - ethnic differences in the lower limit of normal - comparison of GLI-2012 predicted values with those from Hankinson, Knudson, Polgar, Quanjer, Rosenthal, Wang and Zapletal for children and adolescents, applied to a clinical database (2,492 boys and 2,072 girls) - effect of a transition from Hankinson and ECSC/ERS predicted values to GLI-2012 on the prevalence rate of airway obstruction and a “restrictive pattern” in adult clinical patients (8,870 males, 8,702 females) - 15 pages, 3 tables, 29 illustrations, 61 references to the literature is available as GLI_2012_Reference_values.pdf.
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