Osaketaren baldintzak
Bibliografía de profundización
Hopcroft. An Introduction to Automata Theory and Languages. Pearson Education (2008)
Linz P. An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata. Jones & Bartlett Learning (2001)
Sunitha, KVN; Kalyany, N. Formal Languages and Automata Theory. Mac-Graw Hill (2010)
Hopcroft. An Introduction to Automata Theory and Languages. Pearson Education (2008)
Linz P. An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata. Jones & Bartlett Learning (2001)
Sunitha, KVN; Kalyany, N. Formal Languages and Automata Theory. Mac-Graw Hill (2010)
Azken aldaketa: astelehena, 2014(e)ko apirilaren 14(e)an, 19:43(e)tan