Resource 3.1
Cory Doctorow (Toronto, 1971) Novelist and digital activist. He visited the CBA (Circle of Mayor Arts) in January 2005 due to the public presentation of the Creative Commons licence presentation in Spain.
This article De cómo los derechos de autor deberían cambiar para ajustarse a la tecnología is the revised edition of the conference by Cory Doctorow in which the arguments for the change in legislation to adapt Copy Rights to modern communication technologies are given. The paper is excellent. The last paragraph is demolishing:
In every cross road in the media history, the current interest groups cry and weep because the latest invention- be it the print, the radio, the video recorder or Internet- will destroy creativity. They have been always wrong. Always.
The Creative Common licence are the artefacts of a better nation. A nation that we can all inhabit. We wait for you there.
The text is part of an article in a paper on CONOCIMIENTO LIBRE, qthat can be found entirely at
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