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Personal tools

Activity 1


What for

This task is for checking that the student is able to enter the virtual environment. Furthermore, this task is the first step to build the work Group.

What has to be done
  1. You have received a welcome message from teachers for starting the course. DO NOT ANSWER THAT MESSAGE. Enter into Moodle and click the Activity 1 icon
  2. Answer using the online text provided by the task ("Edit my consignment"), with a brief presentation (name, university, studies, etc.)
  3. Introduce yourself to your group mates (see first section Work Groups on teacher?s guide) using an e-mail message. Go to "Users" (up to the left), search for a Group mate on the list and click on his/her Photo or name and you will see his/her profile card where the e-mail is shown. Repeat these steps until you fulfil the whole list of addressees and alter that send your introductory message
  4. Edit your profile information and include a Photo (a real one, please)

What to hand in and how to do it

For the evaluation is enough to answer to this task avoiding sending an e-mail to the teachers (see Virtual Class and relationship with teachers section on teacher?s guide), and furthermore, the Edition of the student?s profile card will have to be accomplished.

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