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Management Information Systems, [2010/03][Eng]


Management Information Systems


Ana Areitio, Ph.D.
Gloria Areitio, Ph.D.

Dpto. Economía Aplicada V
Faculty of Economics and Business Studies

Teresa Areitio, Ph.D.

Dpto. Economía Industrial
Business School of Bilbao

University of the Basque Country / Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)

Course Description


This course will define the concept of information and its relevance in organizations, as well as the concept of an information system, distinguishing it from information technology and communication. Also, this course focuses on the basic features of the available hardware and software in the market to analyze the most appropriate technology tools for the process of construction an automated information system. Networks in general, and Internet in particular will serve as the communications medium of business. Additionally, this course will help students to acquire the knowledge of the design, construction and operation of relational databases. 


And finally, this course will help students to create polished and interactive presentations that captivates the audience. They will learn how to develop a well-organized and meaningful presentation. The course will also identify strategies for developing effective presentation skills for those who need to deliver information through public presentations or on a web-based environment (Intra-/Internet), as part of their professional responsibilities.

Cite/attribute Resource. Larrea, D. R., Angulo, M. M. (2009, January 12). Bioética. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from eduCommons Web site: Esta obra se publica bajo una licencia Creative Commons License. Creative Commons License