function PAR=PAR_SIPF % define model parameters and values = '1'; PAR.depth = 1.0; % vertical dimension of the volume (m) % Disease transmission rate by filtration of infectious particles % [1/( PAR.Finfect=0.005; % mortality rate of infected [1/day] PAR.Imort = 0.005; % background (natural) mortality rate of susceptibles [1/day]. NOT in this % model %PAR.Bmort = 0.0001; % release rate of infectious particles by infected individuals [1/day] PAR.Prelease = 0.005; % Removal/ decay rate of infectious particles from environment [1/day] PAR.Premove = 0.05; % Average body burden of infectious particles in infected animals [number of particles] PAR.Pburden = 100; % FIltration or absortion rate of infective particles by animals [m^3/( or 1/( ] PAR.Pfilt=0.02; % Reduction rate of infectious particles inside the host (diapedesis , % apoptosis)[1/day] PAR.Predin=0.1;