function ydot=RHS_SIPD(t,y) % RHS_SI % % define the RHS of the model equations. % variables are % y(1): S, susceptible, uninfected individuals [number] % y(2): I, infected individuals [number] % y(3): D, dead individuals [number] % y(4): P, infectious particles close % to the susceptible population [number] % array indexes of variables nVar=4;iS=1;iI=2;iD=3;iP=4; global PAR % most rates are 1/day ydot=zeros(nVar,1); % EQUATIONS % Time changes of susceptable individuals, ydot(iS)= - PAR.Pinfect * y(iP) * y(iS); % Time changes of infected individuals, ydot(iI)= PAR.Pinfect * y(iP) * y(iS)- PAR.Imort * y(iI); % Time changes of dead individuals, ydot(iD)= PAR.Imort * y(iI)- PAR.Ddecay * y(iD); % Time changes of susceptable individuals, ydot(iP)= PAR.Pburden *PAR.Prelease * y(iD)- PAR.Premove * y(iP);