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Herramientas Personales

6. Sobre Québec, otras provincias de Canadá y Estados de EE UU

BALTHAZAR, Louis, ?La experiencia de Québec: ¿Éxito o fracaso??, en: ALDECOA, F., y KEATING, M. (dirs.), Paradiplomacia: las relaciones internacionales de las regiones, Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2000, pp. 163-181.
BERNIER, Luc, De Paris à Washington: la politique internationale du Québec, Sainte-Foy, Presses de l?Université du Québec, 1996.
BROWN, Douglass M., y FRY, Earl H. (eds.), States and Provinces in the International Economy, Berkeley, Kingston, University of California, Queen?s University 1993.
DUCHACEK, Ivo D., ?International Competence of Subnational Governments: Borderlands and Beyond?, en: MARTÍNEZ, Óscar J. (ed.), Across Boundaries: Transborder Interaction in Comparative Perspective, El Paso, Texas Western Press, 1986, pp. 11-30.
DYMENT, David M., ?The Ontario Government as an International Actor?, Regional & Federal Studies, vol. 11, núm. 1, 2001, pp. 55-79.
EATMON, Thomas ?Paradiplomacy and Climate Change: American States as Actors in Global Climate Governance?, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association?s (ISA), 50th Annual Convention ?Exploring the past, anticipating the future?, New York, 2009 (
FILLIEZ, Fabrice, ?La paradiplomatie des États américains et la cohérence de la politique étrangère des États-Unis?, en: MASSART-PIERARD, Françoise (dtr.), L?action extérieure des entités subétatiques. Approche comparée Europe Amérique du Nord, Louvaine, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2008, pp. 83-95.
FRY, Earl H., The expanding role of state and local governments in U.S. foreign affairs, New York, Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1998.
FRY, Earl H., ?Quebec?s relations with the United States?, American Review of Canadian Studies, vol. 32, núm. 2, 2002 (
FRY, Earl H., ?The Role of Subnational Governments in the Governance of North America?, IRPP Working Paper Series, núm. 2004-09d, 2004, Institute for Research on Public Policy (
FRY, Earl H., ?The United States of America?, en: MICHELMANN, Hans J. (ed.), Foreign Relations in Federal Countries, Montreal y Kingston, Forum of Federations y McGill-Queen?s University Press, Booklet Series, vol. 5, 2009, pp. 296-323.
GAGNON, Bernard, y PALARD, Jacques, ?Relations internationales des régions et fédéralisme. Les provinces canadiennes dans le contexte de l?intégration nord-américaine?, Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, vol. 12, núm. 2, 2005, pp.161-178 (
GOLDSBOROUGH, James O., ?California?s Foreign Policy?, Foreign Affairs, vol. 72, núm. 2, 1993, pp. 88-96.
KINCAID, John, ?The international competence of US States and their Local Governments?, Regional & Federal Studies, vol. 9, núm. 1, 1999, pp. 111-130
KINCAID, John, ?La competencia internacional de los Estados Unidos y sus gobiernos locales?, en: ALDECOA, F., y KEATING, M. (dirs.), Paradiplomacia: las relaciones internacionales de las regiones, Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2000, pp. 115-142.
LACHAPELLE, Guy, y PAQUIN, Stéphane, ?Quebec international strategies: mastering globalization and new possibilities of governance?, Conference Québec and Canada in the New Century: New Dynamics, New Opportunities, Queen?s University, 2003 (
LECOURS, Andre. ?Canada?, en: MICHELMANN, Hans J. (ed.), Foreign Relations in Federal Countries, Montreal y Kingston, Forum of Federations y McGill-Queen?s University Press, Booklet Series, vol. 5, 2009, pp. 115-140.
LÓPEZ VALLEJO OLVERA, Marcela, Federalismo y relaciones internacionales: comparación de la actividad internacional de unidades federadas en Canadá y Estados Unidos, Tesis de Maestría, Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales e Historia, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, 2002 (
LUBIN, Martin, ?Perforated sovereignties in the Americas: the Canada-US border and the international outreach activities of Quebec?, London Journal of Canadian Studies, vol. 19, 2003/2004, pp. 19-40 (
MASSART-PIERARD, Françoise (dr.), L?action extérieure des entités subétatiques. Approche comparée Europe Amérique du Nord, Louvaine, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2008.
McMILLAN, Samuel Lucas, ?Subnational Foreign Policy Actors: How and Why Governors Participate in U.S. Foreign Policy?, Foreign Policy Analysis, vol. 4, núm. 3, 2008, pp. 227-253.

MOUAFO, Dieudonné, ?Regional dynamics in Canada-United States relations?, Conference of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Manitoba, 2004 (

PALARD, Jacques, GAGNON, Alain-G., y GAGNON, Bernard (eds.). Diversité et identités au Québec et dans les régions d?Europe, Québec, Presses de l?Université Laval, 2006.

PAQUIN, Stéphane, La revanche des petites nations. Le Québec, l?Écosse et la Catalogne face à la mondialisation, Montréal, Vlb Éditeur, 2001.
PAQUIN, Stéphane, ?La paradiplomatie identitaire: Le Québec, la Catalogne et la Flandre en relations internationales?, Politique et Sociétés, vol. 23, núm. 2-3, 2004, p. 203-237 (
PAQUIN, Stéphane, ?Quebec e a crise política canadense?, Tempo Exterior, núm. 10, 2005, pp. 5-12 (
PAQUIN, Stéphane (dir.), Les relations internationales du Québec depuis la Doctrine Gérin-Lajoie (1965-2005), Québec, Presses de l?Université Laval, 2006.
PAQUIN, Stéphane (dir.), con la colaboración de Louise Beaudoin, Histoire des relations internationales du Québec, Montréal, Vlb Éditeur, 2006.
PAQUIN, Stéphane, ?Multi-Level Governance and Foreign Policy: The Case of Canada and Belgium?, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association?s (ISA), 49th Annual Convention ?Bridging multiple divides?, San Francisco, 2008 (
PAQUIN, Stéphane, ?La paradiplomatie des États américains et la cohérence de la politique étrangère des États-Unis?, en: MASSART-PIERARD, Françoise (dtr.), L?action extérieure des entités subétatiques. Approche comparée Europe Amérique du Nord, Louvaine, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2008, pp. 51-65.
SAURIOL; David, L?identité dans les relations internationales du Québec: le cas des relations Québec-Bavière, Memoria Master en Ciencia Política, Universidad de Quebec, Montreal, 2007 (
SMITH, Patrick J., ?Policy phases, subnational foreign relations and constituent diplomacy in the Unites States and Canada: city, provincial and state global activity in British Columbia and Washington?, en: HOCKING, B. (ed.), Foreign Relations and Federal States, Londres y Nueva York, Leicester University Press, 1993, pp. 211-235.
VENGROFF, Richard, y RICH, Jason, ?Foreign Policy by Other Means: Paradiplomacy and the Canadian Provinces?, en: JAMES, Patrick, MICHAUD, Nelson, O?REILLY, Marc J. (ed.), Handbook of Canadian foreign policy, Toronto, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006, pp. 150-185.