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Resource Content
1.1 Web 2.0 introduction article on Web 2.0
1.2 Qué es web 2.0 Web 2.0 differences with Web 1.0
1.3 Entienda la web 2.0 y sus principales servicios Web 2.0 and teaching
1.4 Web 2.0 book published by the Fundación Orange
1.5 Qué es Web 2.0 translation of Tim O?Reilly article
1.6 What is Web 2.0 Tim O'Reilly creator of the term Web 2.0 explains the concept
1.7 Web Trend Map 2009 graphic that shows the importance of web sites
1.8 Blogs en la educación blog is a key element in the new Internet
1.9 Creative Web 2.0 Learning presentation by Judy O'Connell
1.10 Aplicaciones educativas de web 2.0 link recopilation
1.11 Aplicaciones gratuitas en Internet free application links list
1.12 Herramientas educativas teaching tools links

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