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Personal tools

Activity 9


What for

When working with digital audio is completely necessary to master edition and format changes.

Audacity is a free software program for recording and editing audio. On its web site ( it?s possible to get the latest version and user guides ( Being this a commonly used program, there's a lot of useful information (see for example: Resource 1.4).

What has to be done

This is an individual activity. First of all choose the subject of the audios. Then each student will record he activity that will be formed by two files, for example: a question and an answer. The student will use Audacity for obtaining only one file. This final file will contain both question and answer files.

What to hand in hand how

The student must hand in a compressed file (ZIP Extension) that contains three files: the first two and the last one. Have into account the Moodle does not permit sending files larger than 10Mb. It is recommended to create a post on the subject blog that contains the result of this activity. Please, post tagged as audio.

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