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Personal tools

Activity 7

Copy Rights

What for

It is important to have a clear idea about further possibilities and protection scope.

What has to be done

Read the following texts carefully and thoroughly. In order to make a progressive approach on the subject, it is recommended to follow a certain order when reading the documents:

  1. Conference - Cory Doctorow (full reading)
  2. Creative Commons Licenses: licenses that try to reach equilibrium (full review except 19, 20 and 21 transparencies on copyrights)
  3. Creative Commons Licenses - Raquel Xalabarder (full reading)
  4. Free Culture - Lawrence Lessig (chapter 10: "property")
  5. CEDRO (read Copyright and the section Licenses)
  6. SGAE (read Private Copy section and have a look at Tariffs section)
  7. Copia este libro - David Bravo (read chapter La ley y la redes P2P)

Sum up personal impressions on the subject blog tagging them as CC. This way, searching for them will be easier for teachers.

Forum purposes

During this activity we will open a forum asking questions and discussing them. I will try to stay in the background because I want your questions to be answered by yourselves. For the evaluation of this task this two elements will be taken on account:

  • asking really interesting questions
  • answering correctly to other students' questions

The evaluation of the forum task will be added to the one regarding to your personal blog.

What to hand in and how

The result of this activity the answer indicating the student's blog address using Moodle.

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