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Personal tools

Activity 5


What for

Blogs or logbooks have been the spearhead of evolution from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 regarding the active participation of individuals in Internet (see Blogs in Plain English). Blogger ( is a blog system adopted by Google and accessing to it is as simple as accessing GMail.

What has to be done

La Activity 5 is an individual activity and the student will add a NEW blog with free title and subject into Blogger. For this purpose the student will use the Gmail account created on Activity 3. The blog has to be public and it has to allow registered users making comments (by default blogs created in Blogger have both characteristics).

Blog Key Concepts that a student must know and use (use material attached to this activity on blogs and Tag Clouds in Blogger):

  • Display design and page elements
  • Creation of posts
  • Tag management
  • Comment management
  • Blog basic configuration
  • Permission politics for blog authors and readers

What to hand in and how

Facing the evaluation of this activity each blog has to have:

  • Unless six posts
  • Using tags
  • Blog header design
  • User profile edition
  • Elements on the blog page:
    1. Link group
    2. Tag group
    3. RSS group
    4. Tag cloud

Likewise, a minimum of two posts must have been attached to other colleagues? blogs. When making those comments, the student must identify himself/herself using the GMail account created on Activity 3.

Once the blog has been created (although it hasn?t got any posts created) and before the activity has been finished, the student will send an e-mail from his/her GMail account:

  • Addressed to:
  • Message title: [web 2.0 HR] Blog: Title (where the student will change Title and will add the name chosen for the blog)
  • Message content: URL and subject description

After that, the student will be able to fill in posts for his/her blog and comments necessary to fulfil the activity before april the 5th at 23:00. When the student has sent 6 posts and 2 comments, he/she will have to make one online comment (Activity 5 text box). The activity will be sent by Moodle and so it will be finished.

The teacher will compile and evaluate the job done. The following tasks will be evaluated (max. 14 points): the amount of posts and messages, the general appearance of the blog, gadgets used, tab usage, etc.

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