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Personal tools

Activity 4


What for

Wikies as well as blogs are the most important tools in web 2.0 and they can be used for making team Works. This activity is individual but affects to the whole group in which the student is involved. For carrying out this issue the most important thing is the group?s internal organisation.

What has to be done

After completing activity 4 the Group of students will have a Wiki available for making different collaborative works (see Wikis in Plain English). Wikispaces ( it?s a service that offers, on its free version an efficient and easy going version.


Opening the Wiki and its users
  1. Taking the first Group of the virtual classroom as an example, a component of the Group (let?s call it Student0) will create a wiki with the following name: web20p-hr-g01 (the second Group will have the same name ending in 02, and so on). When creating the Wiki the system will ask for an e-mail account. The e-mail to use will be the Gmail account created on Activity 3. As a consequence of that, the Wiki created will be hosted at Wikispaces. The address for the first group will be the following on
  2. The rest of the group will join the Wiki created by their colleague
  3. The student who created the Wiki will assign the role of Organizers
  4. Another student, not the one who created the Wiki, will invite each teacher, giving the four of them the role of Organizers
How to establishing the subject matter of the wiki
  1. A new page will be created with the following name: ChoosingSubject on which the subjects susceptible to be developed
  2. On the discussion tab from ChoosingSubject page comments and evaluations will be left making the task of choosing the subject of the Wiki much easier. It is important to show the taking of the decision on the discussion tab in order to record the participation of every member of the group

How to organise the wiki and how to add content to it
  1. Before starting to add contents, a new page with the name Plot will be created. On this page the Group will show the organisation of the Wiki regarding to the information distribution between the different pages
  2. On the Plot page discussion tab the Group will evaluate and make comments which will help agreeing the structure of the Wiki
  3. When adding contents each student will be responsible of at least two pages and will have the possibility of collaborating on other pages created by colleagues

Before ending the activity it is necessary for students having done and dominates the following actions:

  • How to create a page on a Wiki
  • How to link Wiki pages
  • How to organise the information of a page into tables
  • How to add images and multimedia resources to a page

What to hand in and how

For the evaluation of the job, teachers will only need to revise the wiki record. However, each member of the Group will capture a screen shoot on the history tab corresponding to any of the pages he/she leads and will send it as an answer for this activity.

Entrega Tarea Wiki

When talking about handing the file, teachers are referring to the following: the student must answer to this task into the Moodle platform and they will also have to attach the image taken as an attached file. It means that files sent to teachers? personal e-mails will not be accepted.

The next questions will be evaluated (max14 points): not only the amount but also the quality of the contents created as well as the general appearance of the wiki, the riches of used resources, the enclosure of external resources (images, videos?) The evaluation will be individual as long as the Wiki record allows individual tracking.

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