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Activity 13

Video edition

What for

Editing videos and producing clips is a new way of expression commonly used on the net.

What has to be done

Kaltura ( is a service by means of which it is possible to make a small cinematographic production. For example, see this sample based on static photographs and transitions between different images:

What to hand in hand how

As a result of this activity the student will send a plain text file (.TXT) with the HTML code of the activity made. The delivery will be made as an answer on the Moodle virtual classroom. Furthermore, the student will embed the activity video on the wiki used for Activities 4 and 10. In order to do so, the student will create a page will the following name Surname1Surname2Name (where Surnema1 is the first surname of the student, Surname2 is the second surname of the student, and Name is his/her name).

It is optional but good for the student creating appropriate entries on his/her blog, in order to explain the activity.

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