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Personal tools

Activity 11

Image edition

What for

Internet image publishing requires the acknowledgement of different operation a student must have. As image digital processing is broad, this course only will show managing three fro all of them (two online and one offline).

The online applications are flauntR ( and picnik (, this photograph edition software is surprisingly fast for being online. The offline application is called Picasa ( and after being installed on the computer it works as an image manager that has typical photograph edition functions.

flauntR picnik

What has to be done

The task consists in applying the following operations to a quite large picture:

  • Cut a part of the image obtaining a new framing
  • Reduce the image until an appropriate size for Internet publishing
  • Edit the contrast or/and colour on the image
  • Add a text on the image

What to hand in hand how

As the result of this activity, the student must send a compressed file that will hold two different files: the initial one and the final one. Those will be handed as an answer on the Moodle virtual classroom. Please remember that the system will not cover files larger than 10Mb.

It is recommended sending appropriate posts to the subject blog.

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