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Activity 10

Audio players and podcasting

What for

Podcast is much extended nowadays. For those who want more information on Podcast, please visit the following web site ( about podcast in Spanish.

What has to be done

For this task, the student must spread Activity 9 files into:

The student must get individual audio flash players and audio list players (question, answer and a file with both). Here you have an example extracted from another context:

audio player

audio list player

What to hand in hand how

As a result of this activity the obtained players will be embedded on a page created for that purpose on the Wiki created by the group for Activity 4.

The page created by the student will have the following name: SurnameName (student?s surmane and name). Once the players have been published, the student must answer to this activity on the Moodle Edition box with the whole direction of the page that contains the players.

As in other occasions, it is recommended for the student to make an entry with the activity and its product. Please, post tagged as audio.

When this has to be handed in

This activity has a deadline published on Moodle Virtual Classroom. It is easy to know if the student has fulfilled the deadline as both Wikispaces and Blogger Systems control every change that the student has made.

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